This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Stadium. You should participate in a group or team formation and registration is not required. You need to have the title pack Competition Titlepack installed.

Stadium Nations Challenge is an international tournament for countries.
  • Three maps (tech, fullspeed, dirt) per match
  • Each map until 7 points (no tennis mode)
  • Respawn and cutting aren't allowed
  • Pre-match statements, streams, lineup information are to be posted by the team captains
  • Enter the result in won rounds (e.g 21-4)
  • DO NOT SET A DEFWIN FOR YOURSELF! Open a protest to contact us.
  • Team owner is allowed, as non-playing position
  • Deadline for completing your lineup: 29th May 23:59 CEST

Event details

Trackmania² Stadium
  Tm2 stadium multistyles
Custom Title
Competition Titlepack
Group event

  Visit website/link

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.