This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Stadium. You can participate on your own and registration is not required. You need to have the title pack ESL Competition installed. And there is a map pool that you can contribute to.

Spam's Weekly Race Information, Tips & Map


Recommended hang out place at Discord's TM server: (there's a voice channel too)


Join: maniaplanet://#join=spam_cup_1@esl_comp@lt_forever

Favourite: maniaplanet://#addfavourite=spam_cup_1@esl_comp@lt_forever


• Default time is Saturday at 17:00 CEST. Everybody can participate, NO signup is required.
• Played in TrackMania 2 Stadium
• Format: Endurance
• The map is a mixture of Tech, Dirt, Speed, Obstacles
• Titlepack: ESL Competition
• The official map will be released 15 min before start
• The race will take maximum 1 hour


• Reduce lagg by disabling all widgets that you don't need, this can be done by pressing F8 on the keyboard.
• Playing without opponents on is highly suggested, simply press 'o' on the keyboard to hide the opponents.
• Unbind your 'retire' button, once you retire when the race has started you can't rejoin!


• Make it a Multi-lap
• Name: spmWeekly - *insert name here*
• Combine all styles (Tech, Dirt, Speed, Obstacles) 
• Length should be around 2-3 minutes (exceptions can be made but ask me first!)
• The map should be easy to complete with just 15 minutes of warm up
• Avoid respawnable places as much as possible, but keep in mind that if people crash they still be able to continue the race!
• ESL Competition titlepack is optional
• Block-mixing is allowed but keep it limited without glitches
• Mandatory: Day mood, GPS, scenery
• Signs:
• Maps can be send either to my facebook or my email

I keep the map standards very HIGH, be very creative and find good flow between parts. 
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. 

Event details

Trackmania² Stadium
  Tm2 stadium multistyles
Custom Title
ESL Competition
Maps welcome
Individual event

  Visit website/link

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.