This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Stadium. You should participate in a group or team formation and registration is required.
Race is taking part on 3 servers running simultaneously : a tech serv, a speed serv, a dirt serv.
Ranking will be done by adding up Cps crossed on each server.
You have to choose betwenn 2 race options :
· Master Ranking : overall ranking (you run on the 3 enviro)
This will be the only one ranking rewarded.
Your line up, made of 5 or 6 players, will run on the 3 servers. On each server, only 1 player is able to drive.
It means that, for each team, 3 players are playing at the same time : 1 on each environment.
Overall ranking is made by adding all CPs crossed on all servers (ex. for a line up : 1500 CPs tech + 1400 CPs dirt + 1600 CPs speed = 4500 CPs on the overall ranking tab).
You are totally free to divide your players the way you want (they are allowed to drive on the different server). Player Changements are free, the plugin can handle this.
Watch out ! On each environment, one player can’t run 6h on his own. Also, a player can’t drive more than 80% of CPs on each enviro as this would cause the disqualification of his team.
. Enviro Ranking : you run only 1 environment
You run or speed, or dirt, or tech.
Your team, made of only 2 players, will be allowed to drive on only one server (the one you registered to).
You can organise your relay schedule the way you want.
Watch out ! On each environment, one player can’t run 6h on his own. Also, a player can’t drive more than 80% of CPs on each enviro as this would cause the disqualification of his team.
This event has no upcoming dates.