This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Stadium. You should participate in a group or team formation and registration is not required. You need to have the title pack Competition Title Pack installed.

● Watch out ! The captain must be sober if he wants to lead his team to victory !
● No registration, no train, just join & play ! Event will be held on
the second wednesday of eah month at 9pm  (Server URL will be posted HERE).

● Important : when we start TA (9pm), be sure to stay until the end (10pm) to not penalize a futur team.


1 ● "Qualification" TA solo phase : ~10mins on a multistyle map
2 ● As
consequence, our plugin build will balanced teams (generally 6, 7, 8,
9, or 10 teams). The very best times leading their team as captains.

3 ● Rounds team phase : 5 maps (tech, dirt, FS, surprise, quali) : ~2mins WU + ~6 rounds
4 ● The points you win go to your team.

5 ● Team with the most points at end of Rounds wins.
6Quiz at the end (30k planets guaranteed) : 2 question for everyone, 2 questions only destinated to winners.

Event details

Trackmania² Stadium
  Tm2 stadium multistyles
Custom Title
Competition Title Pack
Group event

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.