This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Canyon. You should participate in a group or team formation and registration is not required.

  • Qualification, groupstage and playoffs

  • Qualification: server will be opened for three days with three maps to determine groups (sorted by skill)
  • Groupstage: every Sundayevening each group plays one map (24 laps - maps rotate)
  • Playoffs: several maps (~16 - 20 laps) - structure depends on teamcount/groupsize

  • Teamsize: All matches are played 2on2on2on..., a team has three to four players
  • Pointsystem: 25-21-18-16-14-12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (every finisher gets one point)
    A team can get a maximum of 46 (25 + 21) points per evening

Event details

Trackmania² Canyon
  Tm2 canyon general
Group event

  Visit website/link

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.