This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² MultiEnvi. You can participate on your own and registration is not required. You need to have the title pack TMAll@domino54.Title.Pack installed. And there is a map pool that you can contribute to.

The KO POOP 4. 

The fourth and final edition of the infamous funmap Knockout event is going to happen at the end of the month. 

The 29th of March at 20:00 CET, to be precise. 

Expect more or less funny and weird maps with stupid & wholesome humor. 

This time, a script written by Dommy will allow you to play the warmups if you're knocked out. 

Map submissions are open until March 17th. Read the rules and submit your tracks on Discord: Ozon#0359 

If you'd like to know more about the event, check out the BEST OF's from the previous editions: 
KP1 - KP2 - KP3 - KP3.5 


How can I participate in the event? 
Join in time and drive for your life. 

How to get the full KO POOP experience? 
Turn on higher graphics settings, allow FX colors, signs and skins, watch all intros and prepare to turn on your ingame sound for some maps. I made sure that the effects will not hamper your driving / cause epilepsy. 

What gamemode? 
Classic Knockout as usual. If you finish last, you will be knocked out and have to spectate the rest of the players. That goes on until the final, where a 1v1 race will be happening. 
In the first rounds, multi-KO will be activated to accelerate the process of progressing towards the end quicker. 
One new addition: You will be able to drive the warmups even if you've been Knocked Out, if you like. 

How long will we play? 
~4 Hours. That's right. It will be a 2 Knockouts-Rounds event with >70 maps in the pool.

Why should I waste my time with this event instead of doing something else? 
Simply because you have nothing better to do than spending 4 hours at the last KO POOP event that is ever going to happen. You will have a lot of fun. 

I would like to join a voicechat and have fun with people together. 
Join a Voicechat in your proximity. The MX Discord has a voice chat, too. 

I don't want to play, but I want to spectate. 
There will be a few people streaming, surely. Including me.

Is there something I shouldn't do? 
KO POOP is not shitfest. Constant chat spamming can lead to a ban from the server. Same goes for excessive swearing, cheating (of any kind, except cutting) and general disrespectful behavior. Be nice and enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime event without disrupting it for others. Thanks! 

Get all updates around the event on the #Announcements Channel on the MX Discord
Any questions? Suggestions? Post them here in this thread!

Event details

Trackmania² MultiEnvi
  Tm2 multienv general
Custom Title
Maps welcome
Individual event

  Visit website/link

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.