This event is hosted in Trackmania and in the title(s) Trackmania² Canyon. You can participate on your own and registration is not required. You need to have the title pack TMPlus Canyon installed.

• FR: Hey tous le monde, l'équipe TMPlus est contente de vous annoncer sa toute nouvelle compétition !
Cela fait très longtemps qu'il n'y a pas eu de "WTC Cup" nous espérons que cela vous fera plaisir!
La compétition aura donc lieu sur le Title Pack "TMPlus canyon". Il y aura un serveur dédié à la compétition. Le serveur pourra accueillir 30 joueurs au maximum.
Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez en bas les liens utiles.
• ENG: Hey everyone, the TMPlus team is happy to announce its brand new competition!
It's been a long time since there was a "WTC Cup" we hope you will enjoy it!
The competition will therefore take place on the Title Pack "TMPlus canyon". There will be a server dedicated to the competition. The server will accommodate a maximum of 30 players.
For more informations, find the useful links below.
-----=== Useful links ===-----
Trailer of competition:
WTC website:
This event has no upcoming dates.