This event is hosted in Shootmania and in the title(s) Shootmania Storm. You should participate in a group or team formation and registration is required. You need to have the title pack Champions installed.

Fishcup is an amateur on-line competition gathering players of any levels on many differents games.

This second edition will take place on the mode Champions (created by Guerro) with 20 000 planets for the winners.

8 teams can participate in this event,

so hurry and join us!

. . To join you need to :

• Download the Titlepack "Champions" on the store.
• Send a private
message, (Maniaplanet inGame-Mail) or (Forum) with
the name of your team, and the login of the players ( and not the
nicknames! ).

.  . "Pratice" servers :

• Server 1 : (Click here)

. GameMode Info :

Champion, (3vs3) is a cooperative and competitive gamemode.

   Attack info

- 2 Attackers,
- One has 2 rockets and 3 lives,
- One has 1 laser and 1 life.
- The attacker who has rockets can switch weapons and armor with this teammates.

  Defense info

- Each turn, a defender has a nucleus. With this nucleus, he can apply a shield to his teammates.
- The shield can be only applied to one teammate at a time.

How to win?

- Attack : Attackers need to capture the pole together, or eliminate all defenders.
- Defense : Defenders need to kill one attacker, or prevent them from capturing the pole.

Good luck !

Event details

Shootmania Storm
  Shootmania champions
Custom Title
Registration required
Group event

  Visit website/link

Upcoming dates

This event has no upcoming dates.